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Together we can create

The Diaper Bank of CT works to ensure families have enough diapers for their infants and toddlers, individuals have access to period supplies, and youths and adults in need can access incontinence products. No one should have to worry about affording these basic needs.

One in three families in Connecticut struggle to afford an adequate supply of diapers – a problem that has far-reaching effects. A lack of diapers puts children at increased risk for health problems, since some may be left too long in soiled diapers; jeopardizes the mental health of mothers and families; and often prevents caregivers from attending work and school, making the cycle of poverty more difficult to break.

Together we can help create a more just world by increasing low-income families’ and individuals’ access to basic health needs: infant and toddler diapers, period supplies, and youth and adult incontinence supplies.

Thank you for your support!

5.6 million babies in the United States aged 3 or younger live in low-income families and struggle with Diaper Need.